Stop Nibbling Those Carrots! Three Ways To Keep Pesty Rabbits Out Of Your Garden

Rabbits are cute, but they can sure be a nuisance when they keep finding their way into your garden and eating your plants. In order to protect your veggies and flowers from these noteworthy nibblers, consider employing one or more of these tactics.

Put up a rabbit fence.

Since rabbits can't jump very high, a fence to keep them out of your garden does not have to be any more than three feet tall. However, it does have to be constructed in such a way that rabbits cannot wiggle under it or between panels. They're amazing at squeezing through tiny spaces.

If your garden is small, you can likely put up a rabbit fence yourself in the span of a weekend. Begin by digging a trench, about 8 inches deep, around your garden. Pound long wooden stakes into this trench at 2-foot intervals, ensuring that at least 44 inches of each stake remains above the bottom of the trench.

Take a roll of stift wire mesh fencing (vinyl-coated is best), and string it between the fence posts, attaching it the fence posts by first tying it around them with thin wire, and then securing the wire with nails pounded into the posts. Make sure the mesh extends to the bottom of the trench. When you've gone around the entire garden, fill in the trench. Having the fence extend below ground like this will keep the rabbits from digging under it.

If you have a large garden or the task of building a rabbit fence sounds too involved, hire a fencing company, such as Professional Fencing 2000 Fence Builders, to tackle the project for you.

Scare them away with flashing lights.

If fencing in the garden is not an option, then scaring the rabbits might be. Purchase a few flashing lights from a local home and garden store. You'll find lights specifically made for scaring off wildlife. Most are battery operated. Set one on a bale of straw or a bucket in each corner of the garden. Keep them running day and night. The flashing lights will deter most rabbits, though they might slowly start returning to your garden over time if they realize the lights don't harm them.

Plant rabbit-repelling plants.

When fencing is not an option, try combining this tactic with the flashing lights for better effectiveness. Two plants rabbits don't like are garlic and sage. Plant either of these plants around the perimeter of your garden. Rabbits will encounter them, find them unappealing, and then hopefully turn around before discovering there are more delicious things to much towards the center of your garden.

About Me

fencing to keep small critters in your yard

I don't know many people that breed and raise ferrets as a source of income, but I do. I like to get my ferrets outside so that they can explore the yard and have a whole lot of fun with each other in the grass and even in the snow. One challenge that I had to surpass was finding fencing that could keep the ferrets in the yard. I needed one that could be installed a few inches into the ground and one that the ferrets would not be able to climb. If you are looking for fencing to keep small critters in or out of your yard, this blog can show you your options.

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